Friday, May 5, 2017

Mindanao Missions, Spring 2017

"In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
The whole earth is full of His glory!”
And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke.
So I said:
“Woe is me, for I am undone!
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips;
For my eyes have seen the King,
The Lord of hosts.”
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said:
“Behold, this has touched your lips;
Your iniquity is taken away,
And your sin purged.”
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
“Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?”
Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
-Isaiah 6:1-8nkjv


Thanks to jet lag, it's around midnight and I finally have time to sit down and write to you all about the great time that I had in the Philippines over the last two weeks. God is so good, and I haven't really been able to process all that I saw while I was there. But, I do have some testimonies to share in the mean time, and I'm sure as I get back into the swing of things at home and back to work, I'll share more pictures and videos when I can.

Bobby and I leading worship at KJCF Kabasalan
Let's start from the beginning. Back in January, I was asked if I would like to go to the Philippines by a good family friend, Bobby Chance. Bobby has been kinda like a spiritual grandfather to me. He and his lovely wife, Dot, taught my family how to "go into all the world" and I've been doing street outreaches all over the United States to the Garbage Dumps of Mexico since I was just 8 years old. I started believing. Things got crazy at work with SERT, we had major high risk operations taking place, the headquarters was full with families and people we had rescued nationally and internationally. So time really flew by before it was time to get on the plane. I was so busy, that my mom said about 3 weeks before my trip, I should probably start fundraising...because I totally didn't even think about that. The money came in, and God supplied my every need for the trip. I am so grateful to those who gave financially!

One of my favorite parts about my time in Mindanao is trusting God before, during, and after. This trip really taught me to trust, and I think that's one reason why the Lord had me GO. Mindanao is not the safest place. It is overtaken by Islam, terrorists, and people who openly reject the name of Jesus Christ. The terrorists target westerners (americans) and there have been several reports of them being kidnapped, and/or injured while they are in Mindanao. I had been warned by several different people about the security issues, and was ready to be alert and confident in Christ while I was there. Thankfully, I made it to and form Mindanao alive and well!

One of my favorite things hearing on this trip was, 

"Miss Madeline, thank you for not being afraid of my home...
Thank you for coming and bringing the love of Jesus to Mindanao."

Revival- Worship Service at Family Camp
But the good news is, the church in Mindanao- the TRUE born again believers of Jesus are so alive and on fire all over Mindanao. I got to be a part of a Family Camp where 400+ people came to a part of Mindanao just to be in the presence of God together. The church there said it is the highlight of their year, because they all get to worship and get in the word together.

Traveling home through the jungle and a rainstorm for 5 hours from the Revival

I was honored to be a guest speaker at the big revival! People came some as far as 26 hours by motorcycle. Others rode in the back of a truck together. Some even slept outside for a whole week in rainstorms because there wasn't enough room inside the buildings on the ground where everyone else slept.

Class Picture- Can you spot me? :)

These kids were in my main class- all 100 of them. The ages they were ranged from kindergarten to early high school...the average age being about 10. So as I prayed about what to share, I got to speak about Jeremiah 29:11. That verse helped me so much when I was 10 years old, and taught me to TRUST in God and know that His plan for our lives is good- even through my mom being healed of cancer. After my message, many kids came before the class and asked for salvation for their families, healing, and that they would  trust God with their lives. We all stood, prayed, and jumped up and down for Jesus. We took some selfies after too.

Children's Prayer & Worship
Seeing people's, especially the kids, love for God is amazing. They sparked a fire in me for worship that I missed. Just to see them sit in the presence of God and worship him just because HE is HOLY, is an amazing thing. Worship services lasted until early hours of the morning...and started again just a few hours later. Truly, "no place I'd rather be..."

Singing "How Great is Our God" with inmates at a Jail in Mindanao.
Jesus said to visit those in prison. The prisoners need freedom in Christ too. Singing, "How Great is Our God" with 98 men who are stuck in a jail cell smaller than my little bedroom 24/7 is something I will never forget. Many of them received salvation during our praise and worship.

I got to meet a beautiful friend who takes care of 60 orphans, ages babies to high school. She told me about how her children and her hike to the top of a volcano mountain together by 4am and pray over their city for revival. They pray for peace, repentance, and worship and believe together for their city.

Squatter Outreach to 300+ Children
I met 300+ kids who live in a "squatter slum" and they were so thankful for lollipops and hair bows that I brought over from the USA. We danced and sang together about the Freedom of God. No more shackles. No more chains. No more bondage...WE ARE FREE! And we tasted and saw that the Lord is good- because he supplied rice soup and lollipops for us to eat together that beautiful afternoon in kabasalan.

I got to be a part of a church family that made me feel at home so far from home. The hospitality I felt at KJCF is something I will never forget. It's something to read about how Christians met from house to house throughout the new testament, but it's another thing to really feel it and do it. I love Joy and Pastor Gerson, and are so thankful for them making me feel at home in Mindanao!

I look forward to returning to Mindanao and continuing the work there.
To continue to support my missions as I work for the kingdom through SERT-- please GIVE financially to keep it going. When you give, you get to be a part of revival. God is so good.

To Give:

Thank you friends.

Love Always,

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Priorities & Emergencies

That meme makes me laugh, and a saying I find myself repeating over and over for some reason is, "it's funny because it's true." 

Anyway, I wanted to talk about Priorties and Emergencies. How are they different, and how are they the same? 

I've noticed that mine might seem just a little extreme to most people. Why is this? Sometimes I question myself, are my Priorties right? Should I lower a standard of what an emergency is? Or should I keep it right where it's at? 

Dispatching is somewhere I've learned what prioritizing is. All day long in the 911 world, the phone rings and rings. Sometimes you barely even have time to go to the restroom in a 12 hour shift. It's a hard thing helping everyone that has an "emergency" in a huge city. Especially one with a high crime rate. 

You see, sometimes people call 911 and it's really not an emergency. They'll call 911 because their neighbors left out their trash cans a day too long on the curb, or because someone parked in front of their house when really it's a public street and there's no law that's broken. 

Once you fix the garbage can issue, and explain politely to please call the non emergency line instead because garbage cans aren't a life or death issue- the phone rings again. This time, it's a mother who's baby isn't breathing and is bright blue. Or it's a child who found their father with their eyes closed on the ground, and their chest isn't moving anymore. 

The garbage can people, and the medical issue people called the same number. 911. 

I hope these examples help the world (mainly my peers) understand the difference between an emergency and a non emergency. Yes, I get it- people live in different realities and maybe their emergencies seem different than others. But please world, if you send me an "URGENT" text, Facebook message, or voicemail.... Urging me to get back to you ASAP...please make sure it really is urgent. Let's redefine and get back to realizing what an emergency really is. My phone is filled with them daily of people in crisis, and I can't really drop it all for something that's not. 

PS friends- thanks for understanding, and thanks for being patient when it might take me a few days to get back to you...or if I forget. :) 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Lonely Girl

I want to talk about something that I've observed over the years:

From high school girls, to a career in law enforcement, to living in uganda, working with imprisoned children & teenagers, meeting full time missionaries who've left behind their home in America and now call Africa home, to meeting women who sit in a mega church, mothers who attend small fellowships, pastors wives around this great nation, missionary kids, school teachers, young adults in college, business entrepreneurs, the heads/leaders of non profits, nanny's, mom's of newborns, mothers who have a lot of children and a superhero type husband, newlywed wives, single girls, worship leaders...

There are a lot of themes of similarities that I've noticed no matter how different everyone in the people groups I've described above. What is it?

The theme and the commonality between all of the above:
This thing called "loneliness" 

Have you every heard of it? Have you ever felt it? Have you ever seen it?
I'm sure you have, no matter what age you are, what you do every day, or whoever you associate yourself with.

Loneliness comes in a lot of ways, shapes, and forms. And it's something that I really want to kick in the ass for a lack of term. (Sorry, the Law Enforcement type A comes out in me every once in awhile..and we're all pretty much adults here.)
I've seen this stupid but real thing called "lonely" ruin so many lives, so many friendships that could be, and kill so many people's dreams and families literally. It's taken away too many smiles. Let's stop this stupid enemy called "lonely."

He gives us beauty for ashes, not ashes for beauty. He gives us JOY for mourning, not mourning for joy. He takes our rags and clothes us with gladness... He doesn't give us rags and take away our gladness.

No matter where you are, if you feel lonely, or have someone around you who you can see is depressed... associate yourself with others. There's a reason why the Lord says, "do not forsake the assembling of yourselves." I've also heard how "an idle mind is the devil's playground."

No matter where you are, whether it's a hut in Africa, surrounded by people in America in a corporate job, a momma with little ones at home everyday, a teenage girl stuck in public high school fighting to stay pure, a missionary kid, pastor's wife...i could go on and on.

Stop feeling lonely. Stop feeling like you are alone. TRUTH: you are never alone, the Lord is with you.

Get out and make some jesus loving friends, ask for prayer from those around you. Introverted or Extroverted (whatever those mean), get a prayer buddy who's only a text, coffee date, or phone call away.

Life is too short to be lonely. You are loved, you are meant to be a princess, and you are so cherished by the one true God. You. Are. Not. Alone. Fill your time with lovely things. Get outside, paint a picture, sing a song, bake a cake, buy a puppy... :) But most importantly, know that you are loved, not forgotten, and Jesus is always just a prayer away.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Hey Singles,

This post is for you. 

What a weird place and season of life you are in. Sometimes it's looked down on within the church, sometimes it's embraced by the feminist or manly culture of "you're better off without anyone," sometimes it's looked at as lonely, sometimes you're questioned and criticized because everyone is constantly asking you when you're going to find that special someone to live the rest of your days out with, sometimes it's to try to find your identity & what you like before you settle down and choose what path you wanna take in life. There's a lot of different types of singles. But how are we to act when we're single...according to the word of God. Hmm. 

Recently, I had a breakthrough. I too am single. Especially within the "christian culture" and when you're a pastors kid, it seems like you're expected to get married at a young age, find that special someone and make sure not to mess up because you're an example to everyone else. It's just something that comes with your "job title" as "pastors kid." I was joking with friends tonight about how one time at a church we visited out of state, the pastor literally would not stop pursuing me about marrying his fact it became really uncomfortable because even when I was holding a 2 year old, he said "wow! you look really good holding that child!! You would be a great mother to grandchildren..." implying yet another reason as to why I should marry his son. Every chance he had he would question me about my love life. Weird. 

That's one extreme- of everyone wanting you to get married, or them thinking that they have the perfect spouse picked out for you. Then here's the other end of the spectrum, and of course there's a lot of in between. I would say the other end, is when you have a friend of the other gender that you spend time with. Sometimes you're criticized and accused of "oh you think that's your future spouse" or "why do you spend so much time with them???" or "you better stay above reproach..." some people might always remind you "don't mess up...!" It's hard sometimes. And sometimes, you just really wish that you could have a brother in the Lord that either didn't think you were his future spouse, and that you could literally just have a brother/sister relationship with. But unfortunately, in today's day and age rarely does that happen, and sometimes it feels like you're walking on egg shells constantly around the opposite sex because you don't want to be accused of anything...ever.

Another-- the lonliness and singles always wanting to get married. They're on a spouse hunt, and they're always looking left and right and considering everyone as a potential future spouse. They go to singles nights, have a lot of "sisters in the lord" and pursue only the opposite sex for bible questions, or edifying. Yup. Flirting gone bad in the Christian culture. 

Last but not least-- the ones who say they'll never get married, and are better off living alone the rest of their life because they're married to their career. 

So singles. Back to the breakthrough I had recently.  I hope it touches you, and is explained just as simply to your heart and pierces it just like it did mine. It's based out of the book of Corinthians, and I think this scripture is often overlooked because this letter (Corinthians) is generally known for and the go to book for the following:

1. LOVE is...
2. Run the Race, don't give up.
3. Divorce & Homosexuality
4. Order within the church / Tongues
5. Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, don't defile it.

But there's a theme and something that I pulled from it this time. That's what I love is that the word is living and active, and every time I read it-- no matter how many times I do, I seem to fall in love again and have another type of revelation. This time it was out of this passage:

"32 My desire is to have you free from all anxiety and distressing care. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord—how he may please the Lord;
33 But the married man is anxious about worldly matters—how he may please his wife—
34 And he is drawn in diverging directions [his interests are divided and he is distracted from his devotion to God]. And the unmarried woman or girl is concerned and anxious about the matters of the Lord, how to be wholly separated and set apart in body and spirit; but the married woman has her cares [centered] in earthly affairs—how she may please her husband.
35 Now I say this for your own welfare and profit, not to put [a halter of] restraint upon you, but to promote what is seemly and in good order and to secure your undistracted and undivided devotion to the Lord." -1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Amplified 

Singles, secure your undistracted and undivided devotion to the Lord. All of your affection should be on HIM. Be so concerned about the cares of furthering the kingdom of God that nothing else matters. These things aren't to "put a halter or restraint" upon you, there aren't so many rules to follow about singleness, and you can live so freely with Jesus that you won't feel like you're walking on egg shells around the opposite sex and opinions of your life and the way you live it won't really matter because you know that you're right where the Lord wants you to be. So, all of those awkward situations, whether it be questions or relationships, just set your affection upon the Lord. You are not missing out. Don't be lonely. Embrace your singleness. How blessed we are to be like the apostle Paul! Able to travel, share the good news, and go freely to edify our brothers and sisters. 

Later on in this chapter, Paul talks about being ready for when marriage comes. It's not a wrong thing to have a desire to be married. But- embrace your singleness too. Enjoy the season. Don't always be looking so far ahead that you miss out on having all of your undivided attention and affection on the Lord. I have a feeling that marriage one day will be a lot easier because my relationship with Jesus won't change. It'll only get stronger, and that's because I'm working on me now- who I am, and who I'm created to be...made perfectly in His image. And it's a beautiful thing. 

Set your undivided attention & affection on the Lord, because really singles- you're not single. You're a part of the bride of Christ, and you're not alone. 


Friday, July 29, 2016


One of the greatest things I've learned over the last year is that the Lord restores. 
There are so many testimonies throughout the bible that talk about restoration. 
That's one of my favorite things about the Lord, is that he restores. He turns mourning into joy, he makes beauty out of ashes. He gives life to dry bones, and He takes a heart of stone whole and beat again. He can take a diseased body, and give it full healing... He takes darkness and turns it into light. 

Sometimes we don't understand it right away, because we think it's our whole world- the changes in life. But what we may not see in our life right away, is the restoration process. It's the LORD who restores. He restores everything.

I've had the below song set on repeat the last couple of days, "Champion" by Bryan and Katie Torwalt. And every time I hear it, I've been thanking the Lord for everything he's given and that I've seen him restore over the last few seasons of my life. It is a GOOD thing to be in the will of God. And I thank him for watching over my everyday. May I continue to follow after Him, and I'm so thankful that he continues to hold my family, and I in the palm of his hand.

Oh victory you have have won, victorious you have come. What was stolen, you brought back to us. 
Our champion, you fight for us. You made a way when there was none. 
Our Champion, you're strong in us, the debt we owe you paid it back. 
We will shout it out from the mountain tops, that our God is good, he has overcome. Let all the earth every tribe and tongue we will sing it out- he has overcome.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


In just ONE week, it'll be a one year anniversary of us touching ground back in America. That means as of today, and me typing this blog, i've been back in my "home" country for the last 358 days- with the exception of hopping the border into Mexico a couple of times. It hasn't been easy, in fact, I feel like I've had a harder time transitioning back into America than I did moving to a country where I didn't speak the main language, everyone looked a lot different than me, the food was unfamiliar, and I didn't know anyone. But- I don't want to focus on the hardships of this last year-- even though there were a lot of them for me. I want to focus on what that the Lord has done, what he's shown and taught me, and what the Lord is doing through my life now.

I don't regret my time in Uganda. I don't regret resigning from "my career," and I don't regret giving away all of my possessions except for what fit in 3 roller suite cases, a backpack, and my guitar(s). I miss everything about that season in my life. I miss walking on red dirt roads, praying my old broken down car would start, serving daily in new places like childrens prisons, slums, and on the track where prostitution was huge. I miss going to places I had never been, the uknown everyday, and finding similarities with people my age who came from very different backgrounds. But I know that the Lord has me here in America for a time such as this, and I sometimes have a hard time believing all that the He's done this year alone. The miracles I've gotten to be a part of, and the work of HIS hands that I've seen are all truly incredible.

Now, here I am back in America a year later. I've made new friends and am close with people who I didn't know even existed when we stepped off the plane and back to America. I live in a beautiful city that I didn't even know existed in my own country, or a place I didn't even think I would ever live in. In a summary, I guess I could say that my time in Uganda helped me realize I need to be in "full time ministry" and I know it's only the Lord who could've orchestrated all of this. I've learned that it's not about where you live, but it's about how you serve and where your heart is. 

Give everyday your best, and make them most of every opportunity, learn to be present in the moment and don't spend too much time planning for the future. 

Love who is in front of you, and build the kingdom of God together. 

Never stop worshipfully and reverently fearing God. 

Never stop hearing and following his voice. No matter where you are, what your bank account says, or how many "friends" you have. 

We were made for such a time as this. 

What a special season my time in Uganda was and what a special season my time in SoCal now is. 

I can only imagine how many more countries of beautiful people there are in this world that I have yet to meet and serve with.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dear Future Husband

The letter below is an open letter to my "future husband." It's to be used as an encouragement for single christian ladies of all ages that true love really does wait; & you don't have to search for it.

Dear Future Husband,

It's me, your future wife. Sometimes, I think about you and what our future will look like together. I'm really excited for it one day, and I can't wait to meet you. A Christian lady, who just so happens to be my momma, once told me when I was early on in my teenage years:

"Don't think so much about what your future husband will be like, and don't try to fix any broken boys. Your future husband won't need to be 'fixed.' He'll already be where Jesus needs him to be, to lead you and live life with you. Work on fixing you, preparing you, and running so fast with Jesus that one day when and if you do meet him you will be a good thing for him, not something that will hold him back from the Lord. Be you, work on you, and fall so in love with Jesus so that when you meet your future husband; you'll know who he is, because he'll look and act just like Jesus."

So that's what I'm doing. I'm working on me. Sometimes other single ladies feel lonely about being "single." But, I don't see myself that way. I don't see myself as lonely, or single, I see myself as married to Jesus- and as I honor him with my life, I'm honoring you. This is what I think the most important thing of marriage is-- that one day when we're married, we'll build the kingdom of God together.

So, as I await for you, my "knight in shining armor" to show up in my life- I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with the Lord. And the good news is, I don't have to go to singles nights. I don't have to flirt with a bunch of different men, I don't have to wear a lot of makeup and dress immodestly, or sign up for dating websites-- because none of that leads to or means true love. Instead, i'll clothe myself with strength and dignity. I'll work on my heart, and try my best to keep my spirit and personality pure. I'll let praise ever be on my lips, and I'll search after Jesus and all that HE has to offer. Then one day, when you come along side me, I'll know it's you. And you'll know it's me. With the only reason being when I look up, is because Jesus will whisper, "that's him..." We'll have the same desire for the Lord, the same heart for the lost, and we'll both know that God is sovereign and he is holding both of our futures in the palm of his hand.

And the best part- we'll live happily ever after, serve Jesus, and go to travel to the ends of the earth together.
